Researchers from SZTAKI integrated vision system in France on the ONERA K50 aircraft within H2020 VISION project

A workgroup of the EU-Japan H2020 VISION (Validation of Integrated Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol) project aims to increase safety in case of the possible performance degradation of automatic landing systems (GNSS or ILS) by integrating vision based information.

A two camera vision system was integrated in Toulouse by researchers of the Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory and the Systems and Control Lab. The cameras are mounted under the wings and the vision information is processed by two pieces of Nvidia Tegra X1 processor which send their output to the main on-board computer developed by ONERA. After the integration the real flight testing can be started.

The team from ONERA and SZTAKI with the K50 aircraft is shwon on the picture. The two camera system made by SZTAKI can be seen under the wings and the Japanese stereo sensor (from RICOH) is located under the body.

ONERA and SZTAKI members with the K50 aircraft. SZTAKI 2 camera system can be seen under the wings and the japanise RICOH stero sensor under the body.