
Muzeum@Digit 2017 conference, organized by the Hungarian National Museum, focused on the current questions and sharing best practices regarding innovation and digital renewal. In the event held on November 28-29, András Micsik, senior researcher of the MTA SZTAKI Department of Distributed Systems gave a presentaton on the COURAGE EU project, the Linked Data approach and the long-term digital preservation.
In October, ERCIM News focuses on Digital Humanities, with László Kovács (head of the Department of Distributed Systems, MTA SZTAKI) being one of the editors of the special theme issue.

The event organized by the Antall József Knowledge Centre focused on accessibility and the innovative solutions that support it. In the workshop, held on May 3 in Pécs, several applications that improve life for people with disabilities were demonstrated. László Kovács, head of the Department of Distributed Systems gave a presentation on Tolmácskesztyű (InterpreterGlove) and Symbio-TIC projects.

"Go Digital!" conference, organised by the National University of Public Service, dealt with the current questions of digitalization regarding public collections, and focused on the challenges that museums, libraries and archives are facing in the field of knowlegde and information preservation. In the event held on May 2, László Kovács, head of the Department of Distributed Systems gave a presentation on long-term digital preservation.

The March event of the Budapest Open Knowledge Meetup series took place on March 23, titled “See through the walls!”
The COURAGE project had a successful project review on 28 March in Brussels. The project will create a comprehensive online database (digital registry) of existing but scattered collections on the histories and forms of cultural opposition in the former socialist countries and thereby make them more accessible.

The workshop is planned for the interest of professors, academic researchers, IT professionals and PhD students, with the following program:

09:30 - 10:00: Registration

10:00 - 10:20: Welcome and introduction to W3C (Máté Pataki - W3C Hungarian Office)

10:20 - 11:50: HTML: Making of the Modern Web Platform (Michael Smith, W3C Japan – in English)

11:50 - 12:30: Coffee break

12:30 - 13:15: HTML5 from the perspective of “accessibility” (Károly Szántai - Akadá